
Green Energy

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Green Energy
Discover renewable energies in a playful way. Climate and environmental protection have become an integral part of everyday life. That's why it's important to learn about renewable energy technologies at an early age. To bring this topic closer to children, fischertechnik has developed the "Green Energy" construction kit. It offers young researchers from the age of 9 a great start into the world of renewable energies and explains how they work in a playful way.How does climate-friendly energy generation work? How can sunlight be converted into energy with the help of solar cells? How can wind turbines be used to generate electricity from wind? The answers to all these questions are revealed in this experimental kit and provide exciting aha experiences. The regenerative energy sources are explored with the help of this kit and the extraction, storage and use of energy from the sun, wind and water are investigated. In order for children to understand in a playful way how green electricity is generated and where it comes from, the kit contains 14 different models that guarantee a sustainable transfer of knowledge.An impressive insight into the world of alternative energy sources is guaranteed with this experiment set!The "H2 Fuel Cell Car" construction kit is an ideal addition to this experimental kit. With this extension kit, further models can be built and operated with a fuel cell. Top Facts: Teaching climate and environmental protection in a playful way at a young age Discovering the energy forms of the future Extraction, storage and use of natural energy sources Winner of the 'German Toy Award 2021' ('Deutscher Spielzeugpreis 2021') in the category 'Play and Technology' In the construction set included: 2x solarmodule 1V 1x solar motor 1x goldcap 1x LED Functionality: Wind energy Hydro energy Solar energy


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